When we arrived at the Kew Gardens stop in London these Phormium along with the Palms certainly set the tone for our adventure.
Perhaps these palms just outside the Portland train station do the same for folks arriving here?
Up until last week the only time I’d spent at Union Station was when quickly I’d dropped off and picked up a couple of traveling friends. However after a conversation with Sean Hogan about the plants in the landscape here (yes, this is a Cistus installation) I knew I needed to check it out, up close.
Like the Cordylines in my garden these (on the right) had achieved considerable height, before being knocked back by a cold hard winter. And again, like mine, these have resprouted from the ground and are once again gaining stature although now they’re multi-trunked.
Fall blooming Yucca have a special place in my heart.
As do Yucca rostrata (of course)...
I wonder if the Boxwood (along with the short decorative fence) is a calculated ne'er-do-well blocker?
This Y. rostrata is achieving some height! Does anyone know what the silver/grey leaved pants next to and in front of it are? When Jane posted about the Union Station plantings in February of 2011 I believe she thought they might be an Echium of some sort, and I agreed. But now when the leaves aren't shriveled up by the cold they look different.
More multi-trunked Cordylines...
And lest you think it's all about the foliage there are flowers too!
Beautiful blushing-buttery Cannas
And yes, there are Roses, this is Portland after all...
So while our train service here in the U.S. certainly can't compare to what I've experienced in Italy and England at least when you arrive in Portland you're greeted with garden style!
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