I’ve been lusting after an Adenanthos sericeus (Coastal Woollybush) ever since seeing it at Potted last May and I am happy to say I’ve now got a beautiful specimen of my very own…
I am SO EXCITED! It was seriously hard to leave this plant behind and take off for California…
But then when I saw this…
A monster version in the Matt Gil Sculpture Garden (a stop on the Garden Bloggers Fling) well let’s just say I felt quite content to know I have my very own, much smaller, version at home. Since this guy isn’t hardy in my winter temps he’ll be living life in a container, I’ll try very hard to keep him happy.
But it doesn’t stop there! Here's a second plant, one I hadn’t heard of before, one with spikes! Erythrina crista-galli - Cockspur Coral Tree…
There are tiny spurs on the bottom side of the leaves too; however you’ll have to use your imagination because I couldn’t get a good photo of them.
I became even more excited about the Cockspur Coral Tree when I thought I spotted it at the Ruth Bancroft Garden.
It turns out what I saw was Erythrina x bidwillii not Erythrina crista-galli, oh well, I was kind of close!
I think I’ll over winter this not-really-so-hardy tree (15-20F) in a container and then plant it out next spring when we remove the privet (notice I didn’t say “if” I’m trying to psych myself up for it).
Finally there was a Dyckia, ‘Nickel Silver’ to be exact.
I can’t be sure, but the spiky guy shown in the exquisite planting below (also spotted at the Matt Gil Sculpture Garden) had me thinking it might be ‘Nickel Silver’ and quickly sent my thoughts to the one waiting for me at home (and yes, a smile appeared on my face)…
You might think the fact I already had a nice, new, little stash of “California” plants in my possession prior to leaving for the Fling meant I surely didn’t buy anything while I was there, right? Well you would be mistaken of course…(to be continued)…
All material © 2009-2013 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
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